Re: Erratum in Unicode book

From: James Kass (
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 17:14:56 EDT

Michael Kaplan wrote:

> From: "John H. Jenkins" <>
> > >Has the UNIHAN.TXT file been updated to include radical-stroke data
> > >for Plane Two characters?
> > Yes. Ever since Unicode 3.1 was released. (We still don't have an
> > Extension B font, however.)

(Thank you, John.)

> There is one in Office XP's CHS and CHP language packs (along with an IME).
> The name of the font is "Simsun (Founder Extended)" and the parentheses in
> the names are causing no end to problems in many tools! <g>).
> I am working on test pages that will show all the characters, using WEFT
> created .EOT files for those who are using Internet Explorer as their
> browser (I am actually helping the WEFT folks with some bugs that these
> pages exposed!).

So, can Internet Explorer now display non-BMP characters ?! <interrobang>
Still not having any luck on Windows M.E. with Marco Cimarosti's java
charts. Any suggestions?

Best regards,

James Kass.

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