RE: Erratum in Unicode book

From: Chris Pratley (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2001 - 23:11:56 EDT

Actually, since the Ext B standard was evolving so slowly for so long at
the end (over a year with only minor changes), we worked with Founder to
get the font 99.x% accurate and then just waited for any final errata,
which in any case only involved a handful of characters, glyphs,
orderings, etc.

Not everyone has to work at the pace of international standards bodies.
It is not just a resources issue. John Jenkins points out correctly that
Unicode is bound in that way, waiting for a political "rubber stamp".
Vendors can ship the day the standard is not going to change any more.
(and sometimes earlier, often to their and others' significant detriment

Chris Pratley
Group Program Manager
Microsoft Word

Sent with OfficeXP final release

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael (michka) Kaplan []
Sent: July 9, 2001 12:26 PM
To: Unicode List
Subject: Re: Erratum in Unicode book

From: "Richard Cook" <>

> This must be the Beijing Zhong Yi Electronics font ... I heard that
> Microsoft was licensing it, but didn't imagine they'd release it so

The font vendor is listed as BDFX, and the copyright is for the Founder
Corporation. Further respondant sayeth naught.

> Can anyone here speak of whether Apple will be licensing it?

> Funny that Microsoft has it before Unicode, no? They have deeper
> pockets, and that matters?

Well, I am not sure they are one and the same, or that one is not an
version of the other? Someone from Microsoft (or Founders) would have to
comment on that, but I suspect it is much less sinister than your
implies. :-)


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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