Re: A UTF-8 based News Service

Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 02:53:24 EDT

In a message dated 2001-07-12 8:27:20 Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> The Ethiopian News Headlines has relocated to a new server at
> and is making it easier than ever to
> read news headlines in Unicode. A companion Unicode only server
> is launched at which serves
> articles in UTF-8 encoding only.

As a test, I downloaded the first article on the page:


The article, dated 1993-05-11, has the formidable title:

«p-t negaso gidada wedeTalyan kobelelu teblo yeteseraCew zegeba f`Sum Heset
new» yeTalyan Embasi

Encoded in UTF-8, the file was 1891 bytes long. Converted into SCSU, it
dropped to 1121 bytes, which is 40% shorter than the UTF-8 version, better
than UTF-16, and probably better than any existing legacy encoding for
Ethiopic. SCSU is a Good Thing.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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