Re: Eudora (was: Is there Unicode mail out there?)

From: Jungshik Shin (
Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 09:31:12 EDT

On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Otto Stolz wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Jul 2001 18:38:32 -0700, Edward Cherlin wrote:
> > No. I am using Eudora 5.1 on Windows 2000.
> Eudora 5.1 cannot handle UTF-8. Recently, I have asked their
> technical support how to process non-Western (e. g. Cyrillic)

> Hence, on Fri, 15 Jun 2001, I filed the following suggestion:

> | This lack of Unicode support is a significant flaw in your
> | otherwise superb product; in case of an internationally
> | operating enterprise, or a university (my case), this
> | omission renders your product just unusable. In a world

 Even though there are a significant number of international students
here, my school's recommended mail client is Eudora (of course,
no student is forced to use it, but innocent/ignorant secretaries
and other administrative staff happily use it producing a lot of
non-standard-compliant emails every day) and I'm sick and tired
of receiving Windows-1252 messages *mislabelled* as ISO 8859-1 with
proprietary extension characters that are not supposed to be sent along
the wire in messages labelled as ISO 8859-1.

> < excellent suggestions snipped>

> So far, Qualcom has not answered to this suggestion.

  I've made a similar suggestion to Qualcom several times since 1995
(not just about Unicode support but also about better MIME and non-Western
European scripts/language support incuding the issue of mislabelling),
but they're just 'deaf' (maybe because they're making more than enough
money from CDMA and related patents ;-)) . No response and progress in
their I18N support. Mac version of Eudora is better than MS-Windows
version, but even MacOS version is far behind other mail clients like
Mozilla/Netscape6/Netscap 4.x and MS OE in terms of I18N.

   Jungshik Shin

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