Re: Japanese Word2000 question

Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 16:42:44 EDT

> From: Rick McGowan <>
> Here's a question for the Japanese speakers & users of Word 2000... I'm
> using Word2k on Win98. How do you input the syllables U+3065 and U+30C5 with
> the Japanese Global IME?

I am not WordXX or WinXX or Global IME user, but this is generic
Japanese IM question. What you need to type in is "du" for U+3065 and

Chair, Li18nux/Linux Internationalization Initiative, Free Standards Group
Architect/Sr. Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems, Inc, USA  FAX 650-786-9553

> I.e, I want the "zu" syllables obtained by adding > dakuten to "tsu" rather than "su". All romaji inputs of "zu", "ZU" etc give > me U+305A and U+30BA. I can't seem to get the ones I want. This is for a > particular use where the others won't do. > > Rick >

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