From: G. Adam Stanislav (
Date: Sat Jul 14 2001 - 15:24:55 EDT

On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 11:51:29AM +0100, Michael Everson wrote:
>and Russians a dog. Food offers other tantalizing metaphors. Swedes
>have borrowed the cinnamon bun ("kanelbulle"). Czechs have been
>inspired by the rolled pickled herring ("zavinac") commonly eaten in
>Prague's pubs. . .

Aha! Apparently, my fellow Slovaks call it zavináč as well. At least
that was what my brother (who lives in Slovakia) called it when he was
telling me his new email over the phone.

At first, I was laughing and asked him if he meant "at," but he had no
idea what "at" was, of course.

I have long forgotten that "zavináč" means "rolled pickled herring"
(probably because I am allergic to seafood, so I never had any need
for that word), but now that you mentioned it, the @ sign sure looks
like it.

Thanks for the explanation!


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