Question regarding Mac OS X Unicode support

From: Patrick Rourke (
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 09:36:07 EDT

This is probably a FAQ, but I couldn't find it either in the Unicode
archives on egroups or on the Apple website [which doesn't mean it's not
there] . . . is there a distinction between the Unicode support in Carbon
and Cocoa? For the ranges I'm interested in, the Carbon applications I've
tried only seem to support the Unicode 1.0 character ranges, while Cocoa
seems to support the Unicode 2.0 ranges (well, Learning Cocoa explicitly
says it supports Unicode 2.0, and the Cocoa applications I have access to
prove it). Also, OS9 applications, except for WorldText, seem to support
Unicode 1.0, while WorldText seems to support 2.0. Am I guessing right that
there is this distinction (that Carbon supports Unicode 1.0, while Cocoa
supports Unicode 2.0), or am I just screwing up and OSX Carbon applications
should be able to support the Unicode 2.0 ranges I'm interested in
(primarily Greek extended)?

Patrick Rourke

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