RE: Is there Unicode mail out there?

From: Ayers, Mike (
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 15:21:35 EDT

> From: Shigemichi Yazawa []

> > From: "Bill Kurmey" <>

> > > My concern stems from working with an email archive
> format which uses soh,
> > > stx and etx as an envelope.
> Good point. U+000c is also used frequently in email's and news
> article's body. It may not make sense to allow control characters in
> HTML, but it does make sense in XML when it is used as a container of
> data including legacy data like email archives.

        So why not used tagged data to represent C0 and C1 characters? That
is what XML is made of. As far as why control characters are not permitted,
it seems to ma that this is so that XML documents can be passed around
easily, through HTTP, email, FTP and so on, without loss of data. Protocols
abound which interpret control characters, so XML files which contain data
may get mangled or may mangle the systems which pass them. However, if that
data is included as tagged hex digits, no problem will occur either way.

        The UTC folks may wish to consider contacting the XML Blueberry
folks about getting the XML character repertoire cleaned up in that project.


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