RE: More about SCSU (was: Re: A UTF-8 based News Service)

From: Yves Arrouye (
Date: Sun Jul 22 2001 - 01:03:46 EDT

> > SCSU doesn't look very nice for me. The idea is OK but it's just
> > too complicated. Various proposals of encodings differences or xors
> > between consecutive characters are IMHO technically better: much
> > simpler to implement and work as well.
> These differential schemes seem to be the way IDN
> (internationalized domain
> names) are headed. They are intended for the limited scope
> of domain names
> that have already passed through nameprep, which performs
> normalization and
> further limits the range of allowable characters. I'm not
> sure how well the
> ACEs would perform with arbitrary Unicode text. I suppose
> only testing would
> answer that question.

Also don't forget they're likely to add some code point reordering. Do we
want that too in an alternate scheme? Then is it really that much simpler
than SCSU? (Probably; tables for code point reordering are not complex to
build. But they may take some effort to optimize, so my guess is the
implementation effort may be roughly the same.)


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