Korean GooGyeol (was RE: Wordprocessors in Korean)

From: Rick McGowan (rick@unicode.org)
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 13:24:35 EDT

Jungshik Shin <jshin@mailaps.org> wrote:

> I put up a screenshot of glyphs for GooGyeol
> characters included in one of fonts mentioned above at
> http://jshin.net/~jungshik/i18n/googyeol.png

Looks to me like everything, or nearly everything, in that list is just a
brush-style rendering of a Chinese character. There is clearly no reason to
encode these separately. Of course, there _MIGHT_ be a few of them that are
natively Korean, but it's very clear even from a glance, that nearly all of
those shown here are already encoded.

> So, what's to be done with GooGyeol characters?

They are just a style of writing Chinese characters; they should not be
separately encoded. But obviously, if there is some kind of official list of
these, someone will have to do the work of figuring out what the existing
codepoints are for them, to match up with the official list.

I don't anticipate that WG2 or UTC would just accept a long list of these
and add them without having checked every single one against the currently
encoded characters.

In any case, this is something for the IRG to look at.


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