RE: OT: some kind of virus?

From: Carl W. Brown (
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 20:07:05 EDT

Some have the .lnk and others a .bat


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of $B$F$s$I$&$j$e$&$8(B
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 2:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: OT: some kind of virus?
> 'Tis a Trojan, I think.
> Is it a .lnk extension?
> In my other e-mail (the spamtrap one) I got a 640K mail. It
> seemed like a Trojan.
> $B"!$8$e$&$$$C$A$c$s"!(B
> ?$B!V0&!W$O!V$"$$!W$G$9!#!V(B10^-10$B!W$b!V$"$$!W$G$9!#!h!V0&!W$O!V(B10^-10$B!W$G(B
> ?$B;d$O$m$3$($s$i$+$Y$5$G$9!#(B
> ?$B"v%i!<%a%s$O$$$$$G$9$h"v(B
> --- Original Message ---
> $B:9=P?M(B: Michael Everson <>;
> $B08@h(B:;
> Cc:
> $BF|;~(B: 01/07/24 14:39
> $B7oL>(B: OT: some kind of virus?
> >I KNOW this isn't the forum for this, but for the last three days
> >I've been getting mail from all sorts of people I never heard of,
> >which contains some 170K attachment, and the following text:
> >
> >Hi! How are you?
> >I send you this file in order to have your advice
> >See you later. Thanks.
> >
> >And sometimes this text is in Spanish!
> >
> >I've never been beseiged like this before, and I was wondering if
> >there was something nasty going round.
> >
> >I suspect Sarasvati would appreciate it if you answered me personally
> >rather than to the list.
> >
> >

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