utf-8 and fly over (alt attribute in <img>tag ) )in netscape

From: Joe Ross (joeross@us.ibm.com)
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 17:26:51 EDT

Any suggestions for Maria?
UTF-8 strings in fly over text work in IE, but we can't get them to work
in Netscape.
---------------------- Forwarded by Joe Ross/Austin/IBM on 07/25/2001 04:25 PM ---------------------------

From: Maria Baldassarri/Tivoli Systems@Tivoli Systems
Subject: utf-8 and fly over (alt attribute in <img>tag ) )in netscape

Hi everybody,
I've built the following simple example to reproduce a problem that I've
found with netscape.
 With the following jsp page, without installing any gif it is possible
to see that the same line of code
<br><img src="go.gif" alt="<%= utf8Str%>">
 produces two different behaviours:
The character shown is correct in the page, but it is wrong in the fly

The problem occur with nescape 4.7 on windows- nt 4.0
I've configured netscape in a japanese machine with the following
variable/fixed width fonts:
unicode --> bitstream cyberbit
I've also chosen unicode (utf-8) character set.

The same example works fine in Internet Explorer.

Does anybody have a workaround for this problem?
thanks a lot Maria

a) please respond directly to me because I'm not subscibed to this list
b) where do I find in web an archive for this list?

fly.jsp file

// Server code -->
// *********************************************************** -->
//JSP Directive -->
// *********************************************************** -->
<%@ page language="java" %>
// ********************************* -->
// JSP response, set utf8 encoding -->
// ********************************* -->
        <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;CHARSET=utf-8">
        //string from byte array
        byte[] bg = new byte[3];
        bg[0] = (byte)0xe3;
        bg[1] = (byte)0x81;
        bg[2] = (byte)0x8a;
        String utf8Str = new String(bg,0,3,"UTF8");
        this string has the following utf8 encoding: e3 81 8a and the
following mbcs encoding: 82 a8 <br> <%= utf8Str%>
        <br><img src="go.gif" alt="this works">
        <br><img src="go.gif" alt="<%= utf8Str%>">
        <script language="JavaScript">
                alert("this is letter O in japanese <%= utf8Str%>");

Maria Baldassarri
Performance Area Development

Rome Tivoli Laboratory
Via Sciangai, 53
00144 - Rome (Italy)
Tel.: +39 (06) 59662701
E-Mail: maria.baldassarri@tivoli.com
Fax: +39 (06) 59662456

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