Re: Native font format

From: David Starner (
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 14:38:58 EDT

From: Myanmar Triumph Int'l Ltd. <>
> 1. In each and every OS Platform (such as Microsoft Win9x, Win2K, Mac, IBM
> OS2, Unix, Linux etc...), is there anything like native font format?

That all depends what you mean by "native font format". All of those can
handle several font formats.

> 4. What is the best font format that I should use in case I'd like to
> unicode values?

Most font formats have at least hacks to make it support Unicode; a good
operating system (pretty much everyone on the market) should make which font
format you use transparent - i.e. for simple BMP Unicode, it really doesn't

David Starner -
"The pig -- belongs -- to _all_ mankind!" - Invader Zim

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