RE: PDUTR #26 posted

From: Carl W. Brown (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 12:47:58 EDT


> Actually, once its in IANA then it is legal in XML and other places, and
> *everyone* will have to support it, whether they want to or not. What is
> supposedly private will become quite public. IANA, after all,
> does not have
> charsets that they register for people to "not use" and none of the people
> who implement charsets defined by IANA are set up to use such a construct
> anyway.
> Its actually the main reason I object to the idea of submitting it to
> IANA -- saying "we fear it being made public by someone else so
> we will make
> it public ourselves to control it" is a little too much like if one were
> afraid of knives and therefore chose to stab oneself (since that
> way one can
> control how the cut is made).

In actuality it would be difficult for IANA to deny a character set for any
"official" character set so the decision is actually up to the Unicode

I don't believe that the idea of registering CESU-8 with IANA came from the
Unicode people. If it came from Peoplesoft then it is another indication
that the this is a deceitful proposal.


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