Re: GB18030

From: David Starner (
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 00:04:59 EDT

On Thu, Sep 27, 2001 at 03:03:22PM -0700, Yung-Fong Tang wrote:
> David Starner wrote:
> > If you can't recognize the
> > character, then just don't convert it.
> It could be the quality of other's software, we have higher standard however.

Higher standard? If I'm working on "Old High German" on a system that only
supports Unicode 2.1, I'd be much happier for it to look for U+0225 in my
font and display what it finds there, rather than not displaying the
character, refusing to read the file, or silently munging the file (in order
of evilness.) It is more important for me to be able to process the file
and lose some functionality than not to be able to read the file.

David Starner -
Pointless website:
"I saw a daemon stare into my face into my face, and an angel touch my 
breast; each one softly calls my name . . . the daemon scares me less."
- "Disciple", Stuart Davis

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