Re: Turned Damma [was Re: Missing Arabic and Syriac characters in Unicode]

From: Roozbeh Pournader (
Date: Sun Sep 30 2001 - 07:40:44 EDT

On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Philipp Reichmuth wrote:

> BTW does it represent /u:/ or /u/? In the Qur'an, /u:/ would probably
> represented by Waw and would be read by a Persian as /u/, wouldn't it?
> While damma would be read as /o/. Could you point me to a location in
> an Iranian Qur'an where there is one of these?

Well, beginners read the vowels as they read them in Persian, but you are
told about the real pronounciation in the Iranian high schools. So in
short, Turned Damma is pronounced like a Waw, if you are a beginner, you
pronounce both as /u/; if you are an expert, you pronounce both as /u:/.

I don't have an old Koran handy (since the mark is only used in Korans
published before 1980). I will look and tell you when I got home.


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