Right-to-left whitespace?

From: Dennis Bemmann (dennis@bemmann.de)
Date: Mon Oct 08 2001 - 14:10:41 EDT

Hello everybody,

I'm desperately looking for a right-to-left whitespace. I searched the
web a lot, but I couldn't find an answer, so I hope that somebody here
can help.

I am developing a Delphi application for writing Arabic texts under
non-Arabic windows. Inserting the Arabic characters in the edit
component works fine. However, there is no whitespace in the Arabic
character set, so I'm using the regular one... and this creates a big

since this space is left-to-right (unlike Arabic), the text flow is
interrupted at every point where I insert it, and words get into the
wrong order. For example, if I enter the characters A,B,C,SPACE,D,E,F
(assume they were Arabic), I expect the following on the screen: "FED
CBA". Instead I get this: "CBA FED". I understand why it comes to this
result: obviously the editor component thinks that the Arabic paragraph
ends here and appends the latin text "after" (right from) it. But this
is of course not what I want, and I suppose there must be a way without
reprogramming the whole editor.

So... I need a reverse-whitespace, or any other solution.
Thanks a lot for your help!


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