Writing/finding a UTF8, UTF16, UTF32 converter

From: Theo (delete@softhome.net)
Date: Sun Dec 02 2001 - 06:14:47 EST

Hi UniCode list,

I am dealing with unicode for XML. I'm sorry if this bothers a few
people, but reading the technical information is not very easy. The
crossings out and underlinings don't help, the information seems a bit
scattered, and the usually interesting information is not linked to in
easy to find places.

I think I have finally found what I wanted, the table:

"Table 3.1. UTF-8 Bit Distribution"

on <http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr27/>

Basically, I want to write some code that can convert UTF8, UTF16, and
UTF32 to any of the other two formats. I suppose I could use UTF32 as a
go-between to reduce the conversion possibilities.

Anyhow, does anyone know of any existing source code that does this

I don't feel like using Apple's UniCode converter because it seems so
complex it will probably take MORE work for me to access it, than just
write the conversion code myself. And even then I hear it doesn't do
UTF32, so there is no use. And even then I have to compile my code for
Win32 also, so its even more no use.

If anyone knows of some existing code that does the transformation,
that would help. I might end up re-writing it myself and just use the
code as a working example.

All that bitshifting and bitmasking such should slow down my UTF8/UTF16
processing, is there any accepted good way to speed this up? Some form
of table perhaps?

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