Re: Indic editing (was: RE: The real solution)

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Mon Dec 03 2001 - 09:22:45 EST

From: "Arjun Aggarwal" <>

> >Moreover, the concept of <la = half la + danda> may be natural for people
> >who are used to typewriters and typography. Which is, some of the people
> >who are more likely to switch to computers.
> I fully agree with Mr. Marco Cimarosti in this regard.
> This is the point to which i really wanted everybody to focus on i.e. the
> problem of encoding as well as display .

Well, you do need to understand that you could actually create input methods
that would allow people who wish to type this way to do so -- and the
underlyhing data could still be stored using the current encoding.

The needs of those who wish to keep their keyboards can be met without
trying to undo all the implementations that have been done.


Michael Kaplan Trigeminal Software, Inc. --

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