Re: Vertical scripts (was: Tategaki (was: Re: Updated...))

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 19:51:13 EST

John Wilcock wrote:

> All *known* vertical scripts! What happens if someone discovers a
> hitherto-unknown vertical script that is never written horizontally?

I predict that the people who want to write about it will quickly
render it LTR horizontally, to match the metadirectionality of
the script they use to write about it.

Scholars already regularly turn RTL epigraphy into LTR when they
want to cite it in text (other than in facsimiles), to avoid the
bidi problem.

Also, you'd have to go pretty far out to find a "hitherto-unknown
vertical script" that has escaped the eagle eyes of the Unicode
Roadmap committee. See, for example:


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