Re: Vertical scripts (was: Tategaki (was: Re: Updated...))

From: John Cowan (
Date: Thu Jan 03 2002 - 08:24:45 EST

Patrick Andries scripsit:

> This is the time for an aspiring J. R. R. Tolkien to leave his mark in
> the Unicode saga by adopting a new strictly vertical script...à la Tengwar.

JRRT actually did create such a vertical script, which was used in
the Blessed Realm before Feanor got around to creating the Tengwar
as we know them today: the Sarati of Ruumil. This is a TTB LTR
abjad, like Mongolian. Vowel marks appearing to the left of the
consonants are pronounced before them; those to the right, after them.

John Cowan     
Please leave your values        |       Check your assumptions.  In fact,
   at the front desk.           |          check your assumptions at the door.
     --sign in Paris hotel      |            --Miles Vorkosigan

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