Re: FW: Unicode entities and character representation

From: Lars Marius Garshol (
Date: Mon Jan 14 2002 - 08:34:03 EST

Hello Philip,

* Philip Knoglinger
| I'm looking for a list of all unicode characters with SGML entitie
| names, character representation and unicode number if possible. Can
| you help me?

Are you asking for versions of the well-known SGML public entity sets
with mappings to Unicode? If so, this page

  <URL: >

contains a number of such entity sets, courtesy of Rick Jelliffe and
Murray Altheim. (It's the *.pen ones you want.)

If this isn't exactly what you want you can find lots more information
here (thanks to SGML/XML archivist Robin Cover):

  <URL: >

--Lars M.

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