Re: Hindi characters for transcribing the sound "e"

From: Patrick Andries (
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 14:50:58 EST

Aman Chawla wrote:

>> >>This is the kind of thing I am looking for: a 'special composite
>> matra' to write a new sound in Hindi, imported from English.
> >>I don't believe it exists. But what is your goal? Trying to give an
> idea of how English is spoken to Hindi readers? I'm not sure a new or
> very rare character would really >>help.

> My goal is to accurately transcribe English words such as 'get', 'bed'
> etc. into Hindi. Just as for Bengali a special character can be used
> to represent a sound not present in the language, similarly there
> should be (hopefully) a special character for this English sound.
Well, I don't believe it exists : so you must use some kind of new (I
take it) convention to do so. I do not believe it is Unicode's mission
to define one, may be you could direct this question to the qalam list.

> Also are there any words in Hindi that use the ऎ DEVANAGARI LETTER
> SHORT E or its corresponding diacritic mark ॆ? I personally have never
> come across one. Maybe this diacritic gives the sound of the "e" in
> bed or led?
It is used to transcribe a short Dravidian e, I suspect something like
U+0B8E TAMIL எ /e/ as opposed to U+0B8F ஏ /e:/, these are close vowels
("make") not open ("bed").


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