On Thu, 17 Jan 2002 DougEwell2@cs.com wrote:
I'm not sure I see anything new here. However, as I suggested, Dr. Beebe's
intention was to bring the character to the discussion within the
mathematical community where its potential for usefulness MIGHT be
sufficient to encourage its appearance and use enough to then merit
inclusion in the AMS' unicode recommendations. I apologize again if
my misunderstanding that I was advised to bring it up directly here
offended you, and gave a false impression of Dr. Beebe's I'm sure
adequate understanding of the nature of the purposes of unicode.
I will be unsubscribing, so please address future correspondence to
me directly.
Best regards,
> important points, so even though it may have been beaten to death and Robert
> has announced his intent to move it to another forum, I still have some
> comments that may be pertinent in the AMS discussion.
> If Dr. Beebe suggested trying to get the 2 pi
> character into Unicode to stimulate its adoption, then he does not understand
> the principles and policies of Unicode.
> I wonder if there is a perception, because of the extensive work done by the
> Unicode Consortium and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 in encoding over 95,000
> characters, that any newly invented character or symbol can be encoded just
> for the asking. The fact is that there are over 95,000 characters in
> Unicode, not because the relevant committees are fast and loose in encoding
> newly invented characters, but because there really are that many
> well-attested characters in the world. (Well, OK, minus some of the
> compatibility characters.)
> I hope that this discussion has shed some light on an important principle of
> Unicode for Robert (and perhaps for others), so that the AMS discussion can
> proceed in a productive manner. The bottom line, however, will certainly be
> that Robert's 2 pi symbol is no Euro sign, with a guarantee of future
> utility; it will have to demonstrate that utility before being encoded.
> -Doug Ewell
> Fullerton, California
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