Re: ü

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 19:17:24 EST

> Patrick Andries wrote:

> I must say that I have already seen horrors such as "geüpdated" (the "u"
> is presumably approximated), again English messing with languages
> spelling and pronounciation...
> See about the feeling some
> Dutch have about these "barbarisms" (van Dale's Web site word)


It isn't as if French hasn't been polluting English for a thousand
years or anything, is it?!

And nowadays, the Europeans are getting their revenge by exporting
all their accents back onto English letters. Even the Dutch get
into the act to help out the French:

for "Nivea Crème"

Crème ?? What's wrong with good old "cream", anyway?


> Patrick Andries

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