David Hopwood <david.hopwood@zetnet.co.uk> reported, in regard to the
missing glyphs:
> Not as far as I can see (I don't think I'm behind a transparent cache,
> and a Shift-Reload on ftp: or
> http://www.unicode.org/Public/BETA/Unicode3.2/images/
> still shows the files as missing).
Oooh! I just logged in to the server, and a listing reports all the files
that should exist as existing since 10:41 this morning. The files appear to
be where they should be, and the table looks correct to me.
You must be talking about the small number of glyphs that don't exist in
the Mathematical Variants table.
There are several known missing glyphs that should have been noted in the
cover file for the entire release. The known non-existing glyphs are in
column two: 2229, 222A, 2278, 2279, 2293, 2294; and in column one: 2A3C
through 2ACC, eight glyphs all together. The column-two glyphs never
existed in the original proposal; and the column 1 glyphs are missing from
the set of reference glyphs for Unicode 3.2.
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