The Unicode 3.2 BETA directory has been updated again,
to complete filling some last minute gaps. In particular:
These complete the drafting of the Bidi_Mirrored property value
for all the new mathematical symbols in Unicode 3.2, and the
informative information about bidi mirroring pairs (in BidiMirroring.txt)
for the same set of symbols.
An HTML link syntax problem in UnicodeCharacterDatabase.html has also
been fixed.
And StandardizedVariants.html has been updated again, with more
of the missing glyphs provided.
Please remember that tomorrow (January 25) is the deadline for
feedback on the BETA data files for Unicode 3.2. The UTC will be
meeting in just a little over two weeks now, and will take
all the final decisions on any outstanding issues before the
formal release of Unicode 3.2.
--Ken Whistler
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Thu Jan 24 2002 - 21:37:43 EST