Well off-topic, Was: ISO 3166 (country codes) Maintenance Agency Web pages move

From: John Hudson (tiro@tiro.com)
Date: Fri Mar 01 2002 - 06:38:41 EST

At 02:32 3/1/2002, Marco Cimarosti wrote:

>You have probably been in Venice... On each island in the town, houses are
>numbered starting from 1. That's why the house number in a Venetian
>addresses is often 4 digits, and why there is no reference to the usual
>Italian words for "road", "square", etc.

There is a booklet available that maps the sestiere numbering to actual
locations. I'm not sure, but I think it might be available from the post
office in Venice.

John Hudson

Tiro Typeworks www.tiro.com
Vancouver, BC tiro@tiro.com

... es ist ein unwiederbringliches Bild der Vergangenheit,
das mit jeder Gegenwart zu verschwinden droht, die sich
nicht in ihm gemeint erkannte.

... every image of the past that is not recognized by the
present as one of its own concerns threatens to disappear
                                               Walter Benjamin

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