RE: [OT] Broken monetary settings in MS Works

From: Lars Kristan (
Date: Fri Mar 01 2002 - 12:57:31 EST

> Lars Kristan wrote:
> > Of course if it was not that way and you would for some
> reason decide to use
> > DEM instead of DM (or Lit. instead of L.), then you would
> complain about the
> > design flaw because your old entries would not be updated.

then Otto Stolz wrote:
> Oh no, I was complaining that the entries have change, at all!
> When I enter 17,00 DM I do not want to read 17,00 €, the other day.
> The design flaw is that Works does not note the currency, but simply
> inserts the current system-wide locale setting without even asking.

I know that values haven't changed. My point was - if you would change your
system (user) settings from DM to DEM, you would expect to see DEM
everywhere, wouldn't you?

Of course there are solutions to this problem. But we were not discussing
banking software, nor MS Office, but MS Works. For home use. A cost
effective and simple to use tool. You wish they would cut development cost
at some other feature, but they didn't. But maybe this way they managed to
implement some useful feature that you really love and benefit from... And
will continue using long after you forget the unfortunate entries in your
last year's balance.

We all love to bitch about the products, so this time I wanted to remind you
that sometimes users want to eat the cake and have it too.

And the same goes for Unicode ;)


Lars Kristan

(off topic, low importance, and promise not to send any more replies to this

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