Re: How to make "oo" with combining breve/macron over pair?

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Mon Mar 04 2002 - 06:56:17 EST

At 20:39 -0800 2002-03-03, Dan Wood wrote:
>I'm not finding hints of this in any of the FAQ or "where's my
>character" docs .... I'm trying to create (or find) the "oo" pair
>with a combining macron (0304) and combining breve (0306) over the
>pair of them together, as in these images:

I think the COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER is suppoised to be used here.
You put it between the two o's and then follow that string with a
combining macron and it is supposed to centre itself over the whole

Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***

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