Should there be a "UniGlyph" standard?

From: $B$m!;!;!;!;(B $B$m!;!;!;(B (
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 16:22:29 EST

>What a relief to hear someone within the Indic community who actually
>understands the character-glyph model. You probably know that many,
>many users of Indic scripts believe Unicode is "incomplete" or
>"inadequate" without separately encoded conjuncts and glyph variants.
>Please do your best to share your knowledge!
>BTW, your post was anything but "offtopic."
Should there not be a "UniGlyph" encoding, for use by font designers, etc.,
 which would encode these glyph variants? People who type text do so in
Unicode, then the font internally converts it to UniGlyph in preparation
for display.
If nothing else, UniGlyph would provide a convenient checklist of needed
glyph variants for a given font.


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