From: <>
> >1. Rendering applications already have to deal with combining
> > enclosing marks (well, at least if they choose to support them).
> That qualifier is pretty significant here. I can't imagine too many font
> developers getting terribly excited about implementing U+20DD to enclose
> more than one preceding character, for example. Font developers will
> implement multi-character enclosing marks for Arabic because (i) they know
> that these really are needed, and (ii) they know that there is a
> well-contained limit to what length spans they have to accomodate. But if
> you ask those font developers to implement a combining tilde that can span
> up to eight base characters, I think you'll get a very cool response (or
> else an earful of laughter).
> Sure, it's a slick idea. But it seems to be a solution begging for a need.
Truer words have ne'er been spoken in these parts.
We do not need this. I think its an occupational hazard of having too many
technical folks here who are good at problem solving. :-)
> But you'd need to spell out *exactly* what diacritics were involved --
> developers aren't going to go inventing typographic oddities of their own
> volition.
They are a bit more cautious in this regard than we are, I think? We should
learn from them.
I agree with Rick and Peter here -- though probably closer to Rick....
Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc. --
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