Re: Book

From: Martin Heijdra (
Date: Thu Mar 07 2002 - 09:39:37 EST

To Peter and Michael (and some other off-list comments:)

Michael, realize that the size of pages and density of text are much
greater in the Japanese book than in Daniels & Bright: 7 pages Japanese in
this book is much, much more than 4 in Daniels & Bright. That said, I think
D&B is better organized, somewhat more predictable in what you will find on
each script. The Japanese entries have standard subentries, but to me it
seems less standardization took place in filling those in.

OK, the other books mentioned (all reported by me when they came out:)

The one I would really suggest for fun is the CD ROM.

1. The book "Man and Writing" (Ningen to moji--English title on cover) was
based upon the calendars made by Morisawa, the Japanese font company. Mainly
very good photographs of sample texts (much non-book material, such as
pottery, stelae etc.) Sold out at Amazon and Kinokuniya.

田中 一光
 価格: ¥14,369
大型本 - 198 p (1995/04/01)
平凡社 ; ISBN: 4582403212 ; サイズ(cm): 31 x 24

2. Based upon this book, the recently deceased famous graphic designer
Tanaka Ikko made a CD ROM, which won awards for design. It has many of the
photographs of the book, some more short entries, a fun interactive
map/timeline for scripts, and some short movies of elementary interest. It's
cheap, but Kinokuniya (, [not Amazon Japan] report
"very few copies left." Mac and PC. Registration at Kinokuniya is a pain in
comparison with Amazon Japan though (not on-line for foreigners); if you
have trouble, try Kinokuniya New York (

トランスア-ト 1999/06出版
[A5 判] 販売価:\5,000(税別)

3. The book with 5-600 page so hand-drawn alphabets, with not too many
surprises, etc. is Sekai no moji no zuten. Reported "not in stock; can
order" (which in my experience does not mean that it is actually available.
I still saw it in stores when I was in Tokyo in Dec.)

605p 26cm(B5)
吉川弘文館 (1993-08-10出版)
[A4 判] NDC分類:801.1 販売価:\16,990(税別)

> On 03/06/2002 03:59:25 PM "Martin Heijdra" wrote:
> >It's not a picture book, as
> >is the Japanese Man and Writing book and/or CD ROM; THAT is really the
> best
> >collection of pictures of scripts I know of, and would be enjoyable and
> >useful even for those not knowing Japanese.
> Can you provide further details on that, including price and how one might
> obtain it?
> - Peter
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Peter Constable
> Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International
> 7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236, USA
> Tel: +1 972 708 7485
> E-mail: <>

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