Re: Collation - last character?

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 16:45:29 EST

At 11:13 AM 3/15/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Once again, if you want a *character* to
>correspond to that highest weight, then you have to tailor the
>table to do so. But then, of course, you could assign any character
>you want to have that highest weight value, including a private
>use character or even a noncharacter code point.

This works for people that do their own tailorings. What about users
that want to create a list such that certain items go to the top and
others to the bottom?

Unless an implementer provides some reasonable choices for such
characters, there seems little that users can do. And each implementer
would assign different characters, if any.

The need to have a default choice at the top of a list, or 'none of
the above' at the bottom of a list, is a pretty common task in user
interfaces. Perhaps it would be worth considering support for that
not just in the overall machinery of a tailored implementation but
already in the default weights, to encourage consistent behavior.


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