Re: Synthetic scripts (was: Re: Private Use Agreements and Unappr oved Characters)

From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Sat Mar 16 2002 - 13:11:48 EST

On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 07:19 PM, Ben Monroe wrote:

> Sounds nice as the 門 is certainly above the 龍 .
> I tried it out at (or course
> changing into the /uxxxx form) but the result was still two split
> characters
> preceeded by so-called U+2FF5. A quick Java program produced the same
> results. Perhaps I was doing something wrong. I'll have to look up more
> information about how to apply/implement this.

TUS specifies that, although a rendering system *may* (if it knows how)
render the character on-the-fly, it doesn't have to. You'd need something
like Wenlin to actually draw your character in text.

John H. Jenkins

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