Re: Talk about Unicode Myths...

From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 13:55:26 EST

On Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 11:00 AM, Curtis Clark wrote:

> Maybe I'm missing something here. My browsers don't display ASCII in
> fraktur, because I have not selected a fraktur font as either the system
> font or the default browser font. It seems to me that an average Japanese
> user would have only Japanese fonts installed, so that all CJK would
> appear in Japanese style no matter what its source. Why is there an issue?

There's an issue because Ohta-san (and a few others) hate Unicode with a
passion. This is an old argument which has been made by a number of
Japanese for years, insulted that a bunch of American engineers presume to
design a system to display Japanese and unifying it with Chinese. Most
Japanese disagree with them, and the resistance to Unicode even in Japan
is decreasing as engineers there see that it doesn't really mean American
(or Chinese) cultural imperialism. Unfortunately, Ohta-san can still get
himself a hearing on a number of Internet-related committees.

John H. Jenkins

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