Re: Talk about Unicode Myths...

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 11:13:04 EST

There might be a wee bit more Unicode around in Japan than people
realize. Anyone using MS Office or Windows NT/2000/XP is using Unicode
under the hood; the same is true for others. Many servers keep Unicode
on the back-end (that way they can mix data from different languages
without loss), and then serve up the data in whatever code pages the
browser is configured for. Etc.


Γνῶθι σαυτόν — Θαλῆς
[For transliteration, see]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Kogai" <>
To: "Jungshik Shin" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 01:23
Subject: Re: Talk about Unicode Myths...

> On Thursday, March 21, 2002, at 10:43 , Jungshik Shin wrote:
> >> Amendment 5 to 10646 was the culmination
> >> of the comic opera which resulted in 11,172 Hangul syllables in
> >> the standard, despite the fact that everyone knew that that was
> >> insufficient for Old Korean, and that combining jamo would have
> >> to be used for that, anyway.
> >
> > I can't agree with you more on this. A very clear example of
> > the incompetence and short-sightedness of Korean nat'l standard
> > which
> > vehemently pushed it thru. Arguably this significantly delayed
> > of Middle Korean (on most platforms and by most programs) by
> > most developers to the fact that Hangul, too, needs to be treated
> > Indic/Thai and other complex scripts because 'modern day-to-day'
> > are fulfilled by 11,172 precomposed Hangul syllables. Much more
> > arguably,
> > having only 2,350 Hangul syllables (for the sake of compatibilty
> > legacy KS X 1001) might have sped up a little support of other
> > scripts in some cases.
> Seems like we share the common problem; The (local) government
> has no idea on character encodings. I know we need to fix our
> government before Unicode but hey, those whom I voted for hardly
> win elections :(
> One of the reasons that Unicode is yet to gain popularity in
Japan is
> the fact that Unicode doesn't enhance DOMESTIC writing, unlike
> The Japanese lack the strong incentive to go for Unicode. Unicode
> indeed needs a killer app (or a killer site; such site that
> finds imperative AND needs UTF-8 to view the page). Till then, most
> the web pages would stay EUC-JP (i.e. ; EUC-JP is
> on CGIs), mails would stay ISO-2022-JP, and most of the text files
> Shift_JIS....
> Dan the Taxpayer Who's Paying too Much for Too Little Outcome
> P.S. Jungshik, seems like you are a Korean expert who knows about
> character encodings. If you know perl as well, would you help us on
> Encode module, that will enable next official perl to handle not
> Unicode but also other Encodings? If so please join perl-

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