Re: Tategakization (was: RE: how can I write an arabic square root)

From: Dan Kogai (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 15:38:30 EST

On Tuesday, March 26, 2002, at 04:13 , ろ〇〇〇〇 ろ〇〇〇 wrote:
> Is there a tategakization property for quotes, parens, and bar (the bar
> is as in the Japanese word for ramen)?

   Not sure of the Unucode but most fonts do include tategaki (vertical)
fonts for quotes, parens, bars, and kutouten (commas and periods).
   With respect to tategaki, I don't think it is a good idea to give
distinct code points because in case of tategaki, not only sentences but
also the whole paragraph, if not the whole writing, gets vertical so
there is little point to differentiate by character.
   Another reason that Tategaki is not treated like BIDI is that tategaki
can be expressed as a rotation, not direction. You just turn it 90
degrees to the right.
   Of course, the story might have been completely different if tategaki
reads from bottom to top :)

                                                                                                M R t D
                                                                                                A o h A
                                                                                                N t e N

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