RE: Euros and cents

Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 13:23:39 EST

> >In danish some measures do not have a plural, like meter and liter
> >I think this is the rule the eurocats were thinking of.
> The Danes may do whatever they like to form plurals in their own
> language. The fact is that the eurocats have no jurisdiction over
> natural language. The other fact is that the French, Spanish, and
> Portuguese are all using "euros" with an -s.

I think this particular "rule" is going be ignored with glee all
around Europe. FWIW, also in Finnish saying that the plural of "euro"
would be "euro", is absurd. First of all, we would not use the plural
where one would think we would be using, in "viisisataa euroa" or "500 euros" (sic)
the "-a" suffix in the "euro" is not the plural suffix, it's the same partitive
suffix as in the "sata" (hundred). Secondly, as you say, dictating what the plural
in various languages should be, borders on arrogance, but is probably just plain
old silliness.

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