Re: The Arrogants and the sillies (RE: Euros and cents)

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 00:18:59 EST

I'm surprised nobody took Dan the Silly Man to task on this one.

> English enjoys new words on-the-fly.
> What a pity Kanji on-the-fly is a taboo, at least on Unicode ;)

Can you name a character encoding standard, anywhere in the world,
invented by anybody -- government, industry consortium, private company,
individual, kwijibo, ANYBODY -- that can do better in this regard than

Can you name a font technology that will support the display of these
"invented-on-the-fly" Kanji?

For that matter, can you invent a Kanji on the fly that cannot be
represented (perhaps in a rather cumbersome way) with Ideographic
Description Characters?

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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