Re: Is it true that there are no longer no official mappings from JIS X to Unicode?

From: Dan Kogai (
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 09:00:29 EST

On Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 08:06 , Anton Tagunov wrote:
> Hello, Dan!
> BTW, is the guy speaking
> right or not? His article is dated september..
> He is speaking about lack of official tables, that the tables
> have been withdrawn and made obsolete but without any replacement.
> Is that true?

> The entire former contents of this directory are obsolete and have been
> moved to the OBSOLETE directory. The latest information may be found
> in the Unihan.txt file in the latest Unicode Character Database.
> August 1, 2001.

But the Unihan database only contains JIS X 0208 and 0212, not JIS X
0201 because 0201 only maps ASCII and Halfwidth Katakana.

I did also ask if the issue Kubota-san has raise has ever been worked on
this at but I got no definitive answer.

Dan the Encode Maintainer

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