Peter Constable wrote:
> On 03/26/2002 05:31:56 PM Kenneth Whistler wrote:
> >> Some of these uses can be avoided by circumlocution, but
> the language
> >> gets very stilted if that is always required. Font differences can
> >> sometimes be adequate to avoid the separator, but not
> always. You may
> >> find some people using a hyphen instead of the apostrophe, but some
> >> sort of separator is almost required for legibility. In
> this context,
> >> plural "s" is only one of the affixes of interest.
> >
> >Exactly. This is a case where usefulness in practice is gradually
> >overwhelming the "Thou Shalt Not" prescriptivists.
> Note that I wa's mainly suggesting that Marco could have chosen other
> example's that aren't controversial. A's for Ken's
> apostrophe's, he can do
> what he want's with them. (But "lambda's" as a plural
> definitely seem's
> excessive to me. :-)
Lol, I would say "lets forget about it all" but then...
I couldnt but notice Mr. Whistler's statement there. I wonder if he can
admit that usefulness in practice could overwhelm the "Thou Shalt Not
process garbage" prescriptivists...
Lars Kristan
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