I have created a VB6.0 database application for WWF (World Wide Fund for
Nature not World Wrestling Federation!). The program is used to record
assessments of management effectiveness in Protected Areas. It is designed
to run in 5 languages, English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. All of
the strings are stored in a separate table in the Access database and
whenever a form is loaded strings are allocated to controls depending on the
number allocated to the control tag and depending on the language chosen for
that session. To do the reporting I am using Data Dynamics Active Reports.
The idea is that the Russians (or whoever) can capture their results in
their own language and somebody on the other side of the world can view the
results in another language.
So far I have not tried the Chinese option as I do not yet have their
translations of the strings.
The Russian option works perfectly on all forms when I am using an Access 97
database. All of the textboxes, labels, etc change to Cyrillic on demand and
all of the Title Bars, Message boxes and Tolltips are also working. However
DataGirds and Active Reports do not show the Russian text, they just show
garbage. But if I click on a cell in the DataGrid, suddenly the Russian text
is there and when the cell loses focus, the Russian text disappears again.
My next trick was to try to convert the database to Access 2000. The result:
Active reports and the DataGrid could display Russian text, but neither the
forms, nor the tooltips, title bars and message boxes could.
My gut feeling is that I should stick with the Access 2000 version and try
to convert the strings within VB as I have more control over the VB forms
than over the Active Reports. I have been told that I should try the Forms
2.0 library, but that would only solve part of my problem, as it would not
sort out the Title Bars, etc.
I have been fighting with this problem for 3 months and am getting quite
desperate as I am way over my deadline.
Anybody have any ideas?
Barry James
Barry and Danielle James
Brousse-James & Associates
Ecological and Environmental Services
PO Box 13885, Cascades, 3202
Ph +27(0)33-3470322
Fx +27(0)33-3470323
Email brousse@sai.co.za
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