> A potential problem with lunar eclipses is that the cycle repeats every 18
> and a bit years, and this has been known for a long time. So a really
> ingenious faker could have cut out an appropriate number of years. Seems a
> bit of a leap though to realise that eclipses could be used to verify dates.
I don't think the dating would depend on *lunar* eclipses, but on
*solar* eclipses -- particularly total or near-total eclipses.
These are quite rare in any particular location, but are spectacular
and do get chronicled. So matching them up should be quite definitive --
and make it very hard to pad 300 years into the record, to say the least.
See, e.g., Historical Eclipses and Earth's Rotation:
(a detailed examination of 400 solar and lunar eclipses from 700 BC
to AD 1600)
I doubt 300 years off the calendar escaped F. Richard Stephenson's
notice, when he was working to calculate variations in the exact
length of the day.
Incidentally, a propos of the supposedly missing 300 years and the
nonexistence of Charlemagne -- Charlemagne's own son, Emperor Louis,
is historically recorded as having witnessed the total solar
eclipse of May 5, 840 seen in France, Bavaria, Austria, and northern
And King Alfred the Great of England recorded the precise hour of a total
eclipse that was seen in London on October 29, 878 (a few months
after he defeated Guthrum the Dane at the Battle of Edington).
See: D G Scragg, 'The Solar Eclipse of Wednesday, 29 October A.D. 878.
Ninth-century Historical Records and the Findings of Modern Astronomy',
in: Alfred the Wise, Studies in Honour of Janet Bately on the occasion of
her 65th birthday. 1997. ISBN 0 85991 515 8
I wonder how Otto III and Pope Sylvester II managed to arrange
for *these* little bits of fakery?
Mark Leisher wrote, a few skeins back in this thread:
> Herr Krojer takes Illig, and by extension, Niemitz to task quite effectively,
> in my opinion.
I think we can agree to consider Illig and Niemitz to be certified
historical cranks now, and perhaps get on with our Unicode business. ;-)
P.S. For those who didn't take a stab at Krojer's debunking of Illig, it
might be interesting to note that what made him, as a German, change
from his earlier stance of cavalier dismissal of Illig's cooky historical
theory, to take it seriously enough to deserve a thorough, researched
and published debunking, is the undercurrent of sinister
historical revisionism in German historiography that touches on the
rather more sensitive years 1934-1945, rather than the distant dark
past of 600-900.
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