Re: Unicode in email

From: Markus Scherer (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 18:10:49 EDT

The human-readable part of the email address (the "friendly name") can contain any character, while the internal or "actual" address is very limited.

A posting to the unicode list a while ago has the following header lines (among others):

From: "=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCJG0hOyE7ITshOxsoQiAbJEIkbSE7ITshOxsoQg==?="
Subject: All-kana documents
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 18:47:44 -0500

This switches the encoding of the friendly name to ISO-2022-JP and base64-encodes ("...?B?...") the name.
The same is possible for many other email headers.

See RFC standards.


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