Re: how to display japanese on english linux

From: KITABAYASHI Yasushi (
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 10:09:26 EDT

Manju Bansal, Noida wrote:
>installed unicode fonts and changed the locale using 'export LANG=ja_JP'. I
>executed 'date' which returned some garbage ascii characters but not
>japanese. I feel somewhere there is a problem of selecting the right
>character set. The fonts are there on the system, but they aint being picked
>up for display.

Make sure that your way of TESTING for l10n will not work well for
just the purpose of testing; rather you would better program
some software with just few of lines in your own hands.

>I tried writing one sample program (using icu library) displaying a japanese
>character string for which i took an hexadecimal values corresponding to a

Make simplify your testing; let yourself explain the way of testing
actually in a few lines out of the very source codes itself in
the C language.

I also wonder how is your types of data. Please let the all of audience
know how did you let the literal numerals in to some 'w_char' variables.


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