Ok, three Russians gave me the pronunciation 's-ch', it sounds almost
like English 'sh', and when they transliterate to English they use
'sch'. The 'ch' part did not sound like the German "ich-laut", more
like 's' turning into 'sh'.
--- Frank da Cruz <fdc@columbia.edu> wrote:
> > I will take a walk to the other side of our building and visit a
> > Russian software consulting company (they represent Russian
> software
> > companies in the US). Let's see how many different opinions I'll
> get
> > there. ;-)
> >
> Yes, please! I had four different Russian teachers and one of them
> was Russian, and they all used the schoolbook pronunciation
> (schtsch),
> plus when I went to Moscow, I don't recall hearing the well-known
> words that contain that letter being pronounced any differently than
> I heard in school. Also I've never heard a recording of Volga
> Boatman
> where they didn't hit it hard :-)
> - Frank
Dave Possin
Globalization Consultant
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