Re: Digraphs as Distinct Logical Units

From: Philipp Reichmuth (
Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 18:01:56 EDT

Hello Roozbeh,

RP> The point is that Persian typography is almost completely ligatureless,
RP> except for the famous Lam-Alef one. Did your clients really ask for
RP> ligatures containing Persian letters?

I got the impression that it's rather a matter of principle. I'm in a
university environment, and people don't really always have
*practical* considerations in mind... The discussion was more on
grounds of "look at all the pretty things the Arabs have got". :-(
Especially when there's a large group of people who are only in the
process of learning the respective languages or scripts. (Such as
myself, going to Tehran in about two weeks.)

Apart from that, Nastaliq and Shekaste typography aren't ligatureless,
but the Naskhi ligatures from the Presentation Forms A block wouldn't
have helped a lot, either.


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