Re: Tildes on vowels (Erkenwald)

From: Frank da Cruz (
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 13:13:06 EDT

> I am wondering if the statement on that web page "gh=German ich-laut"
> is applicable. Wouldn't Dutch "gh"-laut make more sense, like in "van
> Gogh"?
Good question. I don't have a decent reference on Middle English
phonology. The ich-Laut makes sense (to me anyway) for maȝt, riȝt,
and cniȝt, but not so much for þaȝ or roȝ.

Also, I think it can act as a "w", as in oȝen ("own").

At least we know one sound it does NOT have is "z"
as in MacKenȝie :-)

- Frank

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