RE: [unicode] Re[2]: Pronunciation of U+0429

From: Vaintroub, Wladislav (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 05:20:37 EDT

>in contrast to this, how do you pronounce 'жч' combination in мужчина?
Like U+0429 (щ).

>so ч in плач, матч is pronounced the same as in ночь?
Yes ,the soft sign after "ч" does not influence the pronounciation.

>btw does anyone know how is the Belorussian шч pronounced?
I believe it is pronounced like ш+ч (similar to German pronounciation of


-----Original Message-----
From: Radovan Garabik []
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [unicode] Re[2]: Pronunciation of U+0429

On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 09:38:28PM +0200, Anatoly Vorobey wrote:
> The [StS] pronunciation has been considered a dialect pronunciation for
> years now. The "official", standard pronuncation is [S'], and has been
> for a long time.

in contrast to this, how do you pronounce 'жч' combination in мужчина?
(ж should be assimilated to ш, shouldn't it?)

> RG> We were certainly taught to pronounce [U+0429] as [StS] (soft [tS]
before soft
> RG> vowels, of course),
> [tS] is _always_ soft in Russian.

so ч in плач, матч is pronounced the same as in ночь?

btw does anyone know how is the Belorussian шч pronounced?

| Radovan Garabik |
| __..--^^^--..__    garabik @     |
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